3 resultados relacionados con "Alarcón, M.".
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Artículo de revista
Ancient vicariance and climate‐driven extinction continental‐wide disjunctions in Africa: the case of the Rand Flora genus Canarina (Campanulaceae)

Climate change, Endangered & extinct species, Flowers & plants, Phylogenetics, DNA, Plant - genetics, long‐distance dispersal, Campanulaceae - classification, vicariance, CONTINENTAL ISLANDS, Chloroplast - genetics, phylogenetic dating, nested, climate‐driven extinction, Bayesian biogeography, Climate change, Endangered & extinct species, Flowers & plants, P...

Año de publicación: 2015

Artículo de revista
Palaeo‐islands as refugia and sources of genetic diversity within volcanic archipelagos: the case of the widespread endemic Canarina canariensis (Campanulaceae)

Islands, Extinction, Flowers & plants, Genetic diversity, DNA, Volcanoes, Plant - genetics, oceanic islands, Campanulaceae - genetics, ancestral areas, palaeo‐islands, volcanic refugia, Chloroplast - genetics, Islands, Extinction, Flowers & plants, Genetic diversity, DNA, Volcanoes, Plant - genetics, oceanic islands, Campanulaceae - genetics, ancestral areas...

Año de publicación: 2015

Artículo de revista
Wet and dry African dust episodes over eastern Spain

precipitation, Atmospheric Processes, Europe, Atmospheric Composition and Structure, Aerosols and particles, Geographic Location, Synoptic-scale meteorology

Año de publicación: 2005